Monday 1 July 2013

Fitness week.. and beyond! Part 2

We saw that during Fitness Week, year  4 ran lots of great activities for us all in Reception, Year 1,  Year 2 and Year 3. We also had a "back up" team who also helped behind the scenes. I am excited and very happy to say year 5 and 6 helped to make Reception's Sports Day run nice and smoothly.

In the morning, I set up the events for Reception... then 5W and 5B helped me collect the Reception classes, RN, RDW and RL to have a little practice! This is how it went....

each "big friend" matched themselves to a "little friend" and coached them around the course...

Some of the friends turned out to be our little sister!!

Steady with the "egg and spooon"!!!

Getting the skipping right.....
Come on you can do it.. just watch me!
Explaining about the baton....
And demonstrating the obstacle course.... phew!!
Now back to class... see you in the afternoon friends!
After the practice Reception all came back!!... it was time for the real thing. Thank you year 5 for showing us what to do!
Warming up first....
Getting excited!!!!
All set and in position.....
Off we go... obstacle course.......

The hurdles.....

Passing the baton now... come on!!

Yay!! A great win!!

One last race... The PARENTS!!!
Get set..... GO!!
The competition was fierce!!!


  1. I cant wait for sports day and today is the summer fair yippee yippee yay ay

    1. Hoping for dry could be hot one!! Water and Sunscreen at the ready!
