Monday, 24 June 2013

Hi Everyone! Day one of our Fitness week....

Fitness week got off to a great start with our Fit Friends in year 4 leading our Fitness routine to parents in the playground.

                                          Side kicks...
Step touch.
                                                                 The strong man!!
Then is was off to the Main Hall for a whole school assembly, as the Fit Friends and I talked about what would be doing during our Fitness week.
Year 6 begins the day with Salsa....
Year 5 are close behind and have a go!!

Then it was Reception....

Listening carefully......
Starting off slowly... year 3 have their turn.
Meanwhile outside... more action as some of us get ready for Sports Day!!! A Little warm up first and then.....
.... off we go!!!!

Ok... day one is complete... more fun in store tomorrow!

Saturday, 1 June 2013

The countdown to Fitness week... a brief behind the scenes.

June is here everyone... which means Fitness week and Sports day will soon be upon us!
This year, our year 4 students have been very busy creating activities to run. Their topic on Healthy bodies matches our Fitness week and Sports Days nicely.. so who better to get us going!  We are going to call the year 4 students our Fitness Friends, and each day one of the houses in each class will run an activity to get us fit and have lots of fun.
Year 4, I'm sure are going to be fantastic... looking forward to it!